Sekolah Alternatif Papua

Sekolah Alternatif Papua

Screening film and Discussion in Jayapura, Mei 2023 

Sekolah alternatif papua (SAP) or Papua Alternative School Is a civil society organization focussing on providing education and healthy care access in urban areas, West Papua, Indonesia, South east Asia.  Getting a good education is a human right, all people have rights, also for West Papuan. We believe that education has to be free. SAP started on March 23. 2021, at Cendrawasih University dormitory, in Yabansai, Sub regional Heram, Jayapura City, Papua province, Indonesia. 


West Papua has an area of  45.941.167 Ha  or 45.9 million Ha, then has 253 different tribes and languages, most of the people is indigenous people. Papua island is the same land mass, there are two states, Papua New Guinea in the east, then West Papua in the west. West Papua has a large primary forest that saves natural resources such as oil, mineral materials (metals or non), and woods.  Natural resources are the reason the Indonesian government occupied West Papua. 

On the world map West Papua is located in the east of Indonesia. West Papua is a territory colonized by the Indonesian government since 1963. The Indonesian Government used a military approach to conquer West Papuan. Since 1963 the Indonesian government has been grabbing land In West Papua, Indonesia forced to use Bahasa Indonesia as a national language. Historically, many of West Papua died in the Indonesian military. Military conflict since 1965, between West Papua Liberation Army and Indonesia National Army is going on till now in West Papua. 

In 2001 Indonesia forced special autonomy law in West Papua, also to close all state crimes. Although special autonomy law was given by the Indonesian Government, West Papua rejected it, the people's demand for self determination as a nation until now. 

There are some report about military abused to West Papua women, e.g raped, kill, humiliated as human being. All of the oppressed create a trauma culture in West Papua. Women and Children are the victims of the long time conflict in West Papua. They can not get good access to good places and good education and citizen administration. Csevar and Tremblay, 2019

The Indonesian government isolates all the independent journalists, and democracy also communicates media. Sometimes, if there was a peaceful protest by a civil society organization, the bandwidth of internet access was banned by the provider. 

Historically West Papua has seven several classification tribes based on regions mentioned by Dutch anthropologists. There are Doberai, Bomberai, Lapago, Meepago, Saireri, Mam-Ta, and Anim-Ha. 

Agus Sumule was reported that, there are 476.534 kids who do not get access to well education in formal school. The main problems are some of them have lower economic background, military conflict, social problems, alcoholism, domestic violence, discrimination in school, corruption, etc. The education methods are also becoming a problem, because West Papua has different cultures. Most of the people culture to transfer knowledge using verbal methods, but Indonesia curriculum forced it to change, some of the cultures were lost after Indonesia occupied. 

There is a complicated problem in West Papua. SAP started to share knowledge and health care. “We can not wait until the people die in this land, we have to make something, build a school and small clinic in every sub regional” it is our idea. The objectives of SAP are to make people get knowledge from informal education, to train some soft skills, to care for people and protect collective culture. 

Where is SAP and The Routine Program?

SAP has seven informal places, in MamTa region. Our members are 115, there are 12 from volunteer teachers and 103 from participants in seven places.

SAP has programs by period. SAP has

  1. Every 3 month

Open requirement, training volunteer, and evaluation. 

  1. Every 1 month

Monitoring program, culture exhibition, workshop film screening and discussion 

  1. Every week

Minimum three times teaching in the place, open access for portable library, food for children.  

SAP has social media are: 

Facebook page: Sekolah Alternatif Papua

Instagram: SA_Papua

Blogspot: Sekolah Alternatif Papua

Our organization values are: collectivity, democratic, equality, ecological, participation, planned economy, critic auto critic, solidarity. Our motto: Education must be free and equal for everyone as an access, democratic as a system, critical as an idea.  

Other things: we usually advocate some cases, and workshop about reproduction education and how to do if get a sexual abuse, or discrimination in public

SAP has good team work with some non goverment organization.

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